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How do I request a book from another library through Link+?


Link+ is a consortium of about 50 libraries that have agreed to loan books to each other. You can usually receive a book from a Link+ library within about a week (Monday through Friday).

  • Start by checking that we do not own the book at LMU by searching for the title
  • If we do not have it, click on the "Borrow from another library" button, which should be at the very top of the webpage. 
  • Select the Link+ link.

Link+ logo

Once you click on the Link+ link, you can search in the Link+ catalog.

Link+ results page

Sometimes, libraries own different versions of the same book. For example, in the image above, the second option is a large print version of the book, and the first option is probably a paperback version.

If you're not sure which version you need, you can click on the title of each and read more description about the book - sometimes, there will be a table of contents. Also, near the bottom of the page, there will be a list of all of the libraries that own this book and whether it is available at their library.

Once you have decided you want to request the book, click on the Request it button.

Link+ book record with request it button highlighted

When you request it, you will be asked "With which library are you affiliated?" - choose LMU from the drop down and submit. 

University ID: you will be asked for your university ID. Find it here:

Link+ books typically arrive within 3-4 business days (Monday - Friday). There are some exceptions for holidays, which are generally posted on the Link+ site, as some universities and public libraries may close during holidays.

Once you have requested a Link+ book, you will receive an email confirmation. Checkout will be for three weeks, with one three week renewal.

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