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What services are available for visitors?
The library is open to the public during the semester from 8am (11am on weekends) until 10pm each night. After 10pm each day, only Loyola Marymount or Loyola Law School faculty, staff, and current students with OneCards may be in the building. You may be asked to show a OneCard for verification after 10 p.m. Hours vary in summer and during campus holidays.
Visitors may purchase a borrower's card to check out books. Borrower's cards do not give you access to e-resources, permission to stay later, or checkout privileges for all items in the library - please check the sections below to decide or contact the Circulation Desk with questions. The card cost varies based on affiliation, please check the Visitor Services page.
Without a Borrower's Card, visitors can:
Enter the library when doors are unlocked (hours above).
Use the guest Wi-Fi on personal devices.
Use of Information Commons computers for visitors who fall into certain categories and bring appropriate identification.
Use books or media in the library. Basement items require filling out a walk-up request form at Circulation and retrieval can take 1-2 hours. Media items (DVDs, VHS) require a form to check out and are only for three-hour use in the library.
Check out headphones with a form through Circulation.
Print using PrintMe cloud service, which accepts Visa or MasterCard debit and credit cards.
With a Borrower's Card (annual charges apply), visitors can also:
Check out books (media items and journals may be for in-library use only).
Request basement storage items online (rather than through the walk-up request form).
Visitors with borrower's cards continue to have access to services listed under "Without a Borrower's Card" above.
If you purchase a Borrower's Card, you may not: recall items, use interlibrary loan services, reserve group study rooms, use library databases or electronic resources outside of the library, or stay later than visitor hours in the library.
Please contact us if you have any questions about these policies.