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How do I get a book or media item that is not available in the library?
The initial step in locating a book is searching OneSearch, the William H. Hannon Library's online catalog. If the book is not available (i.e. checked out, lost, or not on the shelf) in the library, you can then try one, or a variety, of the options listed below:
LINK+ catalog - the sharing of books between libraries in the LINK+ consortia (located in California and Nevada). NOTE: As a necessary part of the migration to our new library system this summer, we are temporarily suspending LINK+ borrowing, effective May 5, 2023. Access will be restored at a later time.
Circulation - If the book is checked out by someone else, you can visit the Circulation desk and ask to put a hold on the book (original person gets a 3-week checkout at minimum).
ILLiad - the system for requesting and processing Interlibrary Loans (books, media, or journal articles that cannot be acquired through the William H. Hannon Library or LINK+). Video: Requesting Interlibrary Loan through ILLiad.
Los Angeles Public Library catalog - the online catalog utilized by all of the branches of public libraries in Los Angeles.
Media items like DVDs are not available through Link+ - please try options 2-4.